Slot Minecraft Wiki

A slot is a location in the data of a block entity or entity that an item stack can be placed in.

Java Edition[]
A slot is defined by its slot index.

Command argument[]
In commands, a slot should be referred by a string id instead of its index. The string id is mapped to its index when executing command.

A string id of slot consists of slot type and optional slot number, in the format of or ..

Slot string idValid slot numberMapped indexarmor.chest102armor.feet100armor.head103armor.legs101weapon98weapon.mainhand98weapon.offhand99container. enderchest. hotbar.0-80-8inventory. horse.saddle

400horse.chest499horse.armor401horse. villager. Bedrock Edition[]
Command argument[]
In commands, a slot is referred by two arguments: slot type and slot number.

For a block, its slot type is slot.container. * Chests, dispensers, droppers, hoppers, and trapped chests are numbered 0 for the top-left slot and then increase first horizontally, then vertically (so, for example, a chest’s top row slots are numbered 0 to 8 from left to right). Double chests and double trapped chests are treated as two single container blocks.
* A brewing stand’s bottom slots are numbered 0 to 2 from left to right, its top slot is 3 and the fuel slot is 4.
* A furnace’s slots are numbered 0 for the input slot, 1 for the fuel slot, and 2 for the output slot.

For entities:Slot TypeSlot NumbersRestrictionsslot.weapon.mainhandany number (0 in hasitem selector)mobs (including armor stands), and players only (though not all mobs will show or make use of the items)slot.weapon.offhandany number (0 in hasitem selector)slot.armor.headany number (0 in hasitem selector)slot.armor.chestany number (0 in hasitem selector)slot.armor.legsany number (0 in hasitem selector)slot.armor.feetany number (0 in hasitem selector)slot.hotbar0–8players onlyslot.inventory0–the number of slots in inventoryentities with minecraft:inventory component onlyslot.enderchest0–26players onlyslot.saddleany number (0 in hasitem selector)horses, donkeys, and mules only; item in it can only be a saddleslot.armorany number (0 in hasitem selector)horses only; item in it can only be a horse armorslot.chest0–the number of slots in chestdonkeys and mules with chests onlyslot.equippable0–the number of equippable slotsentities with minecraft:equippable component only. Note that these slot is also defined in minecraft:inventory component.Unsupported in /replaceitem and /loot

Slots of vanilla entities[]
NameEntity IDslot


Allayallay1Slot 0 in slot.inventory1, unusedNoNoNoNoNoNoBoat with Chestboat_chest27NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoDonkeydonkey16 (When tamed)1, unused1, unused1 (the slot of slot.saddle)NoSlot 0 in slot.inventory (When tamed)Slot 1-15 in slot.inventory (When tamed)NoNoDrowneddrownedNo11NoNoNoNoNoNoFoxfoxNo11, unusedNoNoNoNoNoNoHorsehorse2 (When tamed)1, unused1, unused2 (slot 0 is slot.saddle, 1 is slot.armor)Slot 0 in slot.inventory (When tamed)Slot 1 in slot.inventory(When tamed)NoNoNoHuskhuskNo11NoNoNoNoNoNoLlamallama16 (When tamed)1, unused1, unused1 (the slot of slot.saddle)NoNoNoNoNoMinecart with Chestchest_minecart27NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMinecart with Hopperhopper_minecart5NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMulemule16 (When tamed)1, unused1, unused1 (the slot of slot.saddle)NoSlot 0 in slot.inventory (When tamed)Slot 1-15 in slot.inventory (When tamed)NoNoPandapanda1Slot 0 in slot.inventory1, unusedNoNoNoNoNoNoPiglinpiglin81 from slot.inventory1NoNoNoNoNoNoPiglin Brutepiglin_bruteNo11NoNoNoNoNoNoPlayerplayer271 from slot.inventory or slot.hotbar1NoNoNoNo279SkeletonskeletonNo11NoNoNoNoNoNoStraystrayNo11NoNoNoNoNoNoVillagervillager811, unusedNoNoNoNoNoNoZombiezombieNo11NoNoNoNoNoNoZombie Villagerzombie_villagerNo11NoNoNoNoNoNoHistory[]
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